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How often are young Gulls fed?

This was a question that someone recently requested from us. I check and found that  the wonderful East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service  have information on that. Here’s a bit I copied from their great website.

Is the young gull being fed?

Adult gulls do not feed their young as often as garden birds would feed their young. A blue tit may feed as often as every 20 minutes or more often. Seagulls feed 3-5 times a day – mainly in the early morning, late afternoon and evening depending on the temperature as adult gulls do not like flying during really hot weather. Frequently people believe that chicks and youngsters are not being fed, as they have not seen the parents come down to a young bird all day. However, very few people will actually sit and watch continuously from 4am through till 10pm to determine whether the parents are bring down food. If the parents are on the roof above and a youngster is on a lower roof, they will normally be coming down to feed still. Gull parents do not abandon their young very easily.

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